Giggleswick Railway Circle Meetings

  Additional meeting - One for Railway Modellers

Towards the end of last year, DCC Concepts on The Sidings in Settle offered to give a presentation to the Circle. I delayed on accepting the offer in the hope Covid figures would come down. Their presentation will consist of an overview of the company and their products followed by a visit to their showroom to see their products in action. Numbers will be limited to allow freedom of movement during the demonstrations. I have agreed the following dates with DCC Concepts:

Tuesday 26th April,

Tuesday 3rd May, and

Wednesday 4th May.

Start and finish times will normal 7.30 to 9.30ish.

If you wish to attend, please let me know by Sunday 3rd April and the dates you CAN attend.

I'll send out more information when I have final arrangements. There will be no charge for this meeting and DCC Concepts are offering 15% discount for those making purchases during the visit. I think this is something different and an opportunity not to be missed.



Email - Alan-Google <[email protected]