Settle-Carlisle DVDs to be broadcast on Sky TV

The producers of two of our DVDs, Creative Imagineers Ltd, have secured transmissions on one of the Sky channels for both A Journey on The Settle Carlisle Railway and The Saving of The Settle-Carlisle Railway.

The channel is taking more than 15 hours of programming from them, with multiple transmissions over the three year period of the contract. Hopefully, the programmes will provide a small reminder that this spectacular railway is a wonderful day out, and help to reinvigorate it after the re-opening.

The series will begin transmitting w/b 20th February. The series is called Journeys, and the programmes will be shown between 16:00 and 18:00 - presumably back to back. They’re on Sky channel 266, and are also being shown at the same time on Freeview in the Manchester area. We don’t know exactly when the two Settle-Carlisle programmes will be shown within the series.

We’re hoping that the programmes will also be shown on local television stations around the UK later in the year.

In the meantime you can purchase them from our online shop, visit