22 June 24 - Langwathby to Lazonby via Long Meg

Line and direction of outbound train
Leeds - Settle - Carlisle
Special Instructions
Arrive: Langwathby 10:01 - Depart: Lazonby & KO 16:39
10 miles
Walk Leaders
Description and notes

Enjoy the beautiful countryside of the Eden Valley and be awed by the impressive Long Meg and Her Daughters stone circle.

Route: Langwathby Station,Winskill, Hunsonby, Long Meg Stone Circle, Glassonby, Old Parks, Kirkoswald, Lazonby

Distance: 9.5mi / 15.3km

Tip: To view definitions for grades, walk leaders and themes, click / tap on the relevant code or refer to the code lists on the 'Important Information' page.